When you use a iPhone basic calculator or another free/paid calculator apps...
have you ever thought that "I'd like to calculate expressions in same time", or
have you ever thought that "I'd like to calculate with reference expressions in another calculator" ?.
Then, you can choose a this app, "MultiView Calculator".
MultiView Calculator is a simple and useful app for that purposes.
Features I
+ 8-views can be created/deleted, so you can calculator 8-expressions at the same time.
+ You can easily switch to another view by swiping.
+ You can input expressions to calculate, so you don't need to know complex feature of M+/M-/MC.
+ You can move the cursor by touching expression view, so you can edit where you want directly.
+ Result of calculation will be shown in real-time when you input expression.
Features II
+ Some converter functions are supported, like "Pound to Kilogram".
+ Hexadecimal is supported. You can input with '0x' prefix.
+ Support Copy from Expression(CE), Copy from Answer(CA), Paste to expression(PAS).
+ Support email, content with expression and answer.


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